Warehouse Balancer

Script URL:



Script information

  • Category: Balancer
  • Release date: 2020-02-21

Script description

Approved both on .nl, .net, .gr (and others I have no ticket nr for)!

Translated to English /Greek / Dutch/ Italian/ Arabian/ Hungarian. Contact me if you want to help add extra translations for other servers.

Instructions: The settings can be adjusted before or during it is inside your quickbar.


highFarm = from which village population usage a village is considered 'finished', and will try to offload resources to villages that need it more

lowPoints = anything below this point value is considered a small village, and the script will prioritize filling these up.

builtOutPercentage = percentage of WH capacity (in the example 25%) should be only kept in fully built villages.

needsMorePercentage = percentage of WH capacity (in the example 85%) should be stored in villages that need help growing still. This same percentage will be used if the average of all your resources is higher than your current WH capacity in that village to prevent an overflow. Don't put this percentage too high, you got to account for runtime of the merchants and the natural resource gain for pits as well. 85% is a pretty good spot.

isMinting = set to true if your tribemates are sending you a lot of res, so the script doesn't freak out :)

highPoints = works like highFarm, from which village points a village is considered 'finished', and will try to offload resources to villages that need it more. If you don't want to use either highFarm, or highPoints, you can either change the setting to 99999, or remove it from the quickbar.